Wednesday, February 12, 2014

First Grade Tens and Ones

Some of my kids are really struggling comprehending the difference between Tens and Ones. I decided to put rods and units in their Counting Collections basket and told them what they have to do with the basket. 

1. Draw what is in the basket.
2. Write: "I have _____"
3. Write: "I have _____ tens."
4. Write:"I have _____ ones."

Today, I began making the student write the value of each above what they drew. If a student had three rods, they would write "10, 20, 30." If there were three additional units, the student would write "31, 32, 33."

Explanatory Texts or "The Fruit Roll-Up Fortune Cookie Epic Fail"

This week for writing, the kids are supposed to write an Explanatory Text. To me, this means they are explaining how do to something. In the past, I have just had the kids explain how to make a sandwich. But this year, one of my colleagues suggested an idea she saw on Pinterest: a Fruit Roll-Up Fortune Cookie. So, this past Sunday, when we were preparing to be trapped in the house for a couple of days, and everyone and their brother was at the grocery store, I actually remembered to pick up Fruit Roll-Ups.

A lesson that I have learned frequently is to test everything before you have the kids to it. So Monday night had me trying to make a Fruit Roll-Up fortune cookie. The outcome could definitely be considered an EPIC Fail. A little while later, my colleague sends me a message saying that her fortune cookie doesn't look like a cookie, so she is going to do something different. After much consideration, I decided that the overall process was kind of fun, and that maybe adding a piece of paper in the fortune cookie that said "Happy Valentine's Day" would make it look more like a fortune cookie.

Well, they made their fortune cookies, and we had all types of problems. Fruit Roll-Ups ripped, were flattened, the sides got stuck together or stuck to other things, and fingers were definitely sticky. Immediately after we cleaned up, I had the kids do a graphic organizer telling the steps they used to make their fortune cookie. Today, the kids used their graphic organizer to write the draft. Tomorrow, we will finish writing the Explanatory Text.

We discussed the problems we had making the fortune cookies. I asked the kids if they still like making them, even though they weren't perfect. They told me it was very fun and they liked making those better than just writing about how to make a sandwich.

Below are some pictures of our exciting adventure in making Fruit Roll-Ups Fortune Cookies!