Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I am in the process of getting permission slips signed from parents allowing me to use photos of their children on my website. I have been meaning to do this for a while, but was just now able to sit down and create the form. I will send it home tomorrow and hopefully (fingers crossed) get to post pictures of my students working this weekend.

Until then, I just realized that I have said nothing about an app/feature that my colleagues and I use all the time. I'm less of a fan of it than they are; however, it does have its advantages. It's called Dropbox. (www.dropbox.com)

Dropbox is an app that you can download to your computer, laptop, or iPad for free (unless you need more storage, then you can purchase it.) Drobpox is like a big sharing file. I can put items into Dropbox, and invite people to view those items. Only the people that I invite can see them. Our team (first grade) uses it to share information and keep the things we need instead of using a flash drive. I can also create a file and invite my the parents of my students to visit the file. I can even add pictures of my students working.

So give it a try. It is beneficial, once you get the hang of it.

Until next time...

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