Friday, August 16, 2013

The Finished Product: My Classroom

I am so excited! My classroom is ready for my first grade students Monday. This is the very last weekend before school starts, so I am just taking it easy. I've been working in my room on and off for about three weeks. I hate doing last-minute stuff, so the past couple of days has been smooth sailing. Take a look:

View from the doorway.

Another view from the doorway.

Classroom Library

Writing Center (Prompt will be written on the whiteboard)

Computer Centers, Classroom Incentive (class earns tickets for compliments, 50 tickets earns them a movie on a Friday afternoon), Jobs, etc.

Side of the classroom; shelves containing math activities and tools.

Cubbies for kids to store their scissor, glue, crayons, etc.

Big Books for Shared Reading, table and tubs labeled to turn in items (work, papers, etc), a Listening Center, and the calendar for Math.

My table for Guided Reading (with work for Monday.)

Side view of the classroom. Met some of my students last night, a few chose to bring their supplies!

A cute apple made by my friend, colleague, and neighbor. I need to remember to straighten it out when I go back Monday. It's a little tilted. :)

My bulletin board welcoming the kids back to school. On the cork strip: gallon freezer bags with construction paper stuck in. This way, I can simply slide the kids' work into the bag and it will be "matted." In addition, I can keep the work in the bag: put the old work behind the construction paper and new work in front. Works great to ensure that I have all of the writing prompts for the Writing portfolios at the end of the year!

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